Friday, May 7, 2010

We're ready for New York but is New York ready for us?

Half the fun of travelling is the planning. For us, travelling by water on a sailboat turned motorboat (our mast has to be down from Buffalo to Albany) through Upper New York State and the Hudson River presents some challenges and promises to also be a fantastic way to explore. We know for example, that at times on the Erie Barge Canal we may not have access to water or electricity. We can only go so many days without a shower and we start to offend, so we may have to resort to showers on the boat. Right now, that's kind of tricky. Messenger was built in the pre-shower-in-all-boats era in 1983.We have a hand-held shower in the head sink and a couple of solar showers. If it's chilly (it'll be September) or if we're in an area where there are lots of tourists or people in cars, it could be a bit awkward. We have to figure that one out. I'm thinking of lining the head with double-sided velco and sticking a shower curtain around the perimeter of the tiny head, sitting on the throne and using the hand-held for a quick refresher. We need to seal off the bilge pump drain and pump the grey water overboard with a small pump in the sump. We'll add that to the list. We may even need a separate, additional fresh water tank - not sure about that. Hmmmm.

But then, there's the promise of pastoral landscapes, kitchy shopping districts, and the beautiful Hudson River. This is a great spot for any kind of travel, you can check out the Erie Barge Canal website at and order a great manual for under $30.

After that, it's the Big Apple.

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