Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Into Albemarle Sound

We're heading from our quiet anchorage last night south of Buck Island to the entrance to Albemarle Sound, across about 20 miles to the Alligator River and then hopefully we'll get to Bellhaven tonight. It's about 60 or so miles we've got to do today so we're hoping for good weather. It's a bit warmer today but very cloudy.

We got a great tip from Kathy and Dave Dieter on Orion to check out the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website to reposition wapoints on our chartplotter for the entrance to Alligator River - there's a great deal of shoaling there.

Thank goodness for our Power Squadron lessons.We put them on our paper chart after mapping them out and hopefully we won't hit bottom.

We may meet up with our friends from home Art and Linda Alyea - part of our home-based pit crew.

1 comment:

demure said...

Good Luck! Keep Safe! Thinking of you as I attend Jim McGee's memorial. Donna Murray
